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Caruso Cuts Off Hair Embraces Baldness

Caruso Cuts Off Hair, Embraces Baldness

Lakers Guard Shows Off New Look on Instagram

Shares Manscaped Endorsement Shirtless

Los Angeles Lakers guard Alex Caruso has shaved off his remaining hair, debuting a bold new look on Instagram. The move comes after Caruso signed an endorsement deal with Manscaped, a men's grooming company.

In a shirtless photo posted to his Instagram account, Caruso poses with a Manscaped trimmer in hand. The caption reads, "The Bald Eagle has officially landed in Los Angeles." The post has garnered over 59,000 likes and 2,400 comments, with many fans expressing their support for Caruso's new look.

Caruso's decision to embrace baldness is a departure from his previous appearance, which featured a full head of hair. However, the move is in keeping with Caruso's reputation as a confident and charismatic player.

Caruso is known for his defensive prowess and his ability to make hustle plays. He has become a fan favorite in Los Angeles, where he has helped the Lakers win the NBA championship in 2020.

Caruso's new look is sure to turn heads, both on and off the court. It remains to be seen if other players will follow his lead and embrace baldness, but for now, Caruso is the only NBA player who can truly claim to be the "Bald Eagle."
